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Bill Smith

Bill Smith - McDermott Ambassador

Mr. 3 Cushion

3 Cushion

Playing Cue: CRMS07

McDermott Ambassador Since: 2017

Competes: Worldwide (based in USA)

Favorite Venue: World Cup, Grand Prix and World Team Championships, Viersen, Germany.

Players that have inspired him:Obviously, in the early days, my mentor, Ernie Presto! He played every World Champion from Alfredo De Oro to Raymond Ceulemans. Then, in the early 80's, Ceulemans and now Frederic Caudron.

Tips/advice for aspiring players:
Three cushion billiards is a game that can NOT be learned without some form of professional instruction. Find that pro and practice, practice, practice!

Best advice he received from someone:
Never give up in a match, you have as much talent and understand the game as well as anyone!

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Major Accomplishments

  • Published "The Concise Book of Position Play" and DVD
  • Became an instructional member of the Old School Pool School team, which holds seminars and clinics for straight pool, one pocket, bank pool, nine ball, and 3 cushion billiards
  • Held the first Old School Pool Clinic at Ultimate Billiards in Fort Pierce, FL.
  • Began writing monthly instructional articles for On The Break News, The Break, Rack'em, and Stroke magazines
  • Began instructing in pool and carom
  • Scored 58 points in 11 innings at The Green Room Billiards in Downers Grove, IL. The room had a plaque made to commemorate that day
  • Made 50 points in 12 innings (final score: 50-3) at Chris's Billiards in Chicago, IL.
  • Finished 9th in the first Carom Corner International Tournament held at Chris's Billiards, in Chicago, IL. Defeated such players as Semih Syginer, Francis Forton, Eddy Leppons, and Pedro Piedrabuena.
  • Played in the team championships in Vierson, Germany (has played at 5 World Cup tournaments in Europe.
  • Finished 2nd to Sang Lee in the first US Nationals held at Chris's Billiards in Chicago, IL.
  • Started writing 3 cushion instructional articles for Billiards Digest (continued for 4 years)
  • Finished 2nd to Sang Lee in the first US Nationals held at Chris's Billiards in Chicago, IL.
  • Wrote 3 cushion instructional articles for Billiards Digest
  • Wrote instructional articles for Billiards Digest
  • Became general manager of Hollywood Billiards, in Hollywood, CA.
  • Started hosting 3 cushion billiards clinics
  • Won the Midwest Qualifier (18 man round robin) in Jacksonville, IL. Went undefeated, with a high run of 14 against Merhl.
  • Had his High Run (16) in a tournament against George Ashby at the Chicago Billiard Cafe in Chicago, IL
  • Broke all ABA records since Harold Worst. Won 62 consecutive ABA tournament games without a loss, and in doing so won 8 consecutive tournaments.
  • Personal high run of 24 (exhibition game) at State & Madison Billiards in Rockford, IL. Best tournament average: 1.756 in finals at same venue.
  • Had his best ABA Tournament game against Gene Johnson of Lansing, MI at High Pockets Billiards. Made 40 points in 12 innings. Also won 32 consecutive ABA tournament games in a row without loss, and 3 consecutive tournaments.
  • Had high runs of 15 to 21 on every billiard table at Chris's Billiards in Chicago, IL more than once
  • Won the Chicago City Championship at the age of 23 at Howard and Paulina Billiards
  • Won the City Championships for 8 consecutive years


In 1963 I was introduced to Bensinger’s Billiards, at Clark and Diversey in Chicago by my father, Merhl Smith who was a fine billiard player in his own right. Bensingers was the quintessential billiard room of the 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s, all the way from brass spittoons to the servers that would take your coat, get your personal cue and bring the ivory balls to your table with a pitcher of ice water, what service!

A friend of my father’s noticed me there all the time with my Dad, and asked, have you ever tried playing this game?, I replied no, he said if you’re going to be here you might as well start learn to play. This man’s name was Ernie Presto, he was the kindest, and most honest person I’ve ever met in my life to this date. Ernie Presto became my best friend and benefactor in my life! This man had played with every world champion of the game form, Alfredo De Oro to Raymond Ceulemans, the knowledge he acquired over 60 years, made Ernie a virtual billiard encyclopedia.

He took me under his wing, and I fell in love with complexity of the game, I was hooked immediately .Having a Architectural and mathematical background, the angles and systems came easily, also being naturally gifted with exceptional hand eye coordination didn’t hurt. After about 3 months, Ernie told me, “You’re a natural Bill, if I show you something you’ve got it immediately”. That praise and desire he had to teach me this game helped me become as good a player as I could be. That was the motivation for me to pursue this game with exhausting enthusiasm, always looking to improve, even to this day.

The fundamentals and concept of pre modern day billiards that Ernie taught me are priceless, along with the era of modern billiards; I formulated my own concepts, techniques and systems to improve my game. I know it it’s hard to believe, but I feel even at my age I play better now than I ever did before, I feel I have more control and so much more knowledge, I have always tried to be a perfectionist, whether that’s good thing or not, I don’t know. One thing is for sure, no one person can ever learn or know all there is about this fascinating game called, ”3 Cushion Billiards”.

Some of the achievements I’d hope for in 3cushion billiards have evaded me for one reason or another, health, personal, and family, I don’t make excuses, but I believe there are some records I’ve set, that no one American player will surpass. In 1968 won the Chicago City Championship at the age of 23 at Howard and Paulina Billiards, I won the City Championships for 8 consecutive years.

From 1975 to 1982 playing at Chris’s Billiards had high runs of 15 to 21 on every billiard table more than once. The fundamentals and concept of pre modern day billiards that Ernie taught me are priceless, along with the era of modern billiards; I formulated my own concepts, techniques and systems to improve my game. I know it it’s hard to believe, but I feel even at my age I play better now than I ever did before, I feel I have more control and so much more knowledge, I have always tried to be a perfectionist, whether that’s good thing or not, I don’t know. One thing is for sure, no one person can ever learn or know all there is about this fascinating game called,”3 Cushion Billiards”.

Some of the achievements I’d hope for in 3cushion billiards have evaded me for one reason or another, health, personal, and family, I don’t make excuses, but I believe there are some records I’ve set, that no one American player will surpass. In 1968 won the Chicago City Championship at the age of 23 at Howard and Paulina Billiards, I won the City Championships for 8 consecutive years.

From 1975 to 1982 playing at Chris’s Billiards had high runs of 15 to 21 on every billiard table more than once.

In 1982 Had my Best ABA Tournament Game against Gene Johnson of Lansing, MI. at High Pockets Billiards. 40 points in 12 innings. Also winning 32 consecutive ABA tournament games in a row without a loss, in doing so won 3 consecutive tournaments!

In 1983 I broke all ABA records since Harold Worst. Winning 62 consecutive ABA tournament games without a loss, in doing so won 8 consecutive tournaments! Personal High run of 24, (exhibition game) at State & Madison Billiards in Rockford, IL. Best tournament Average 1.756 in Finals at same venue.

In 1985 I had my High Run in a tournament, (16) against George Ashby at the Chicago Billiard Café in Chicago, IL.

In 1986 won the Midwest Qualifier in Jacksonville, IL, 18 man round robin tournament, went undefeated, with a high run of 14, against Merhl.

In 1987-1990 I became general manager of Hollywood Billiards, in Hollywood, CA. for George Aronek, and his 2 partners. This is where I started my 3 cushion billiard clinics.

From 1991 – 1996 I wrote my own instructional Colum for the 'Billiards Digest.'

In 1992 Finished 2nd to Sang Lee in first US Nationals held at Chris’s Billiards in Chicago. I started writing 3 cushion instructional articles for Billiards Digest, and continued for 4 years.

In 1993 Played in the team championships in Vierson, Germany, with Sang Lee. I've played at 5 World Cup tournaments in Europe.

In 1998 played in first Carom Corner International Tournament held at Chris’s Billiards, in Chicago, IL, having wins over, Semih Sayginer, Francis Forton, Eddy Leppons, and defeating Pedro Piedrabuena, 24 to 4 to reach the finals, and finishing 9th in the tournament.

In 1999 at Chris’s Billiards playing a practice game with Tommy Scherer I made 50 points in 12 innings, final score 50 – 3, on the adjoining table, Sang Lee played a practice game with Frank Stanish, Sang lee made 50 points in 13 innings, final score 50 - 6, witnessed by many spectators.

In 2000 playing a practice game with a friend Ron Schenk, at The Green Room Billiards, Downers Grove, IL., I scored 58 points in 11 innings, the room had a plaque made to put on the table for that day, Over 50 person’s witnessed the game from the weekly 9 ball tournament.

In 2004 myself and my family moved to Central Florida, began instructing in pool and caroms.

In 2009 became an instructional member of the Old School Pool School team which holds seminars, and clinics for straight pool, one pocket, bank pool, nine ball, and 3 cushion billiards. Held the first Old School Pool clinic at Ultimate Billiards, Fort Pierce, FL. In October started writing instructional articles for On The Break News, The Break, Rackem, and Stroke magazines on a monthly basis.

In 2010 I decided to finally finish a book I’ve been working on for years, “The Concise Book of Position Play”, and DVD, which will be released sometime in March of 2010.

Other Activities Bill Enjoys

I played golf for many years (I was a 2 handicap) and playing cards. Enjoy very much my 18-month old granddaughter!